Kunming, Dali, the Lijiang dual flight double lies on sixth tour
 个人家庭服务  010-65238250 65238252
 付款方式:银行汇款 到我社报名 

大 理

More views:Kunming, Dali,Lijiang


Initial City: BeiJing  Price: 2720 Yuan/People  Traveling days: 6  Middle city: Kunming, Dali,Lijiang


Travelling schedule:

Day 1: The Beijing capital airport by air to Kunming, meeting with fresh flower, bestows welcomes guests the tea, (specially recommends: If you have lots of time,you can pay own expenses tours 25 national minorities stockaded villages --- nationality village, the tourist may heartily visit the botanical garden landscape in the stockaded village, appreciates the national minority the public sentiment, the culture and the music, the dance, the expense: 70 Yuan/people),At evening the visitor may pay own expenses the Kunming locality biggest flavor hotel, tastes each kind of flavor snack and the Yunnan nationality's characteristic tea, but also can watch the national dance performance)

                                  Lodging place: Kunming

Day 2: Rides in a carriage goes to which is apart from Kunming 86 kilometers the first marvelous sight in the world "stone forest" (to tour for 2 hours),the beautiful Yunnan, the plateau tea skill, the Yunnan Chinese medicine foot bath, (specially recommends: If has the enough time we can pay own expenses to watch the Yunnan large-scale primitive ecology dance: Yang Liping essence of the work "the Yunnan Impression") while the hard berth train goes to Dali in the evening.

Meals: breakfast,Lunch, dinner         Lodging place: train

Day 3: Morning arrives Dali, enjoys a trip to Erhai by boat (about 4 hours), the Nanzhao sland, tastes three teas, watches the Pai nationality dance performance, Chongsheng temple --- three towers (30 minutes), (tour butterfly spring or Shangguanhua scenic spot), tours the Dali old city, the foreigner street (specially recommends: Evening volunteer to participation Dali Pai nationality illusion dance performs "Dream of the Butterfly")

Meals: breakfast,Lunch, dinner          Lodging place: Dali

Day 4: Goes to Lijiang by bar  (approximately 4 hours) and visit Dayan guzhen -- square street (supper to take care of oneself), (specially recommends:In the evening,you may choose which most has the national minority characteristic "the Lishui Jinsha" and the Naxi culture classical music treasure collected print "the Naxi Ancient music",the expenses are the responsibility of the individual)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch                   Lodging place: Lijiang         Hotel:3classes

Day 5: Rides the cable car to climb mountains (while rope way on Yunshanping approximately 15 minutes, after arrives at Yunshanping to tour 40 minutes, but because tourist is multitudinous, must line up ahead of time while rope way), views the Yunshanping, the far view beautiful jade dragon snowy mountain, after descends a mountain tours the white water river (30 minutes), rides in a carriage returns on the way observes the Ganhaizi pasture (30 minutes). Rides in a carriage returns to Dali,Bestow tours the New China nationality village. Late rides the train to go to Kunming

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch,dinner         Lodging place: train

Day 6: Early arrives at Kunming, pays own expenses 99 th abundant gardens which the tour never ends (100 Yuan/people), bestow the fresh flower, the local product market, rides the plane to return to Beijing, gets the warm home

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch,dinner

Service standard:

1Lodgings: Tristar or same level hotel, two person standard room, independent health bath;

2meal:five breakfast and seven meal(The dinner has eight Stir-fried dishes and one soup for ten people)
Transportation: The round-trip plane ticket, (contains airport construction cost) to go and return the non- air conditioning hard train ticket Kunming to Dali, the local air conditioning tourist car;

4Admission ticket: the first ticket of views; the expense of coming into the Mountain, the old city Maintenance expense

5Tourguide: Outstanding tourguide service;

6Insurance: Travel agency responsibility danger.

Friendship prompt:

Above the quoted price does not contain: Lijiang big rope way admission ticket, world abundant garden, aerial insurance; Accident traveling danger, individual consumption; And so on voluntarily pays own expenses the project;

In the regulation in case the manpower irresistible factor produces the expense takes care of oneself by the visitor, like the visitor voluntarily gives up dine, the tour scenic spot or the lodgings, I society do not give refund money. I society am authorized to in do not affect the travelling schedule content in the situation to adjust the travelling schedule successively order;

Before departure please earnestly reads the traveling agreement and the travelling schedule, confirmed taking the good valid identification, supplies for oneself needs the drugs and other goods;

The discount airplane ticket cannot sign the extension, exchanges a purchase, change; If the airplane ticket for the round trip ticket or the joint regulation airplane ticket, please by all means must preserves the ticket value in order to avoid loses, and has the nonessential loss and the trouble.

The quoted price contains the Kunming Dali the round-trip non- air conditioning train ticket, if at the appointed time because some special reasons leave to the air conditioning train ticket treat the person to make up the uneven ticket difference 40 Yuan/people to go and return

gather note:

price note:
Because the aviation change of price quite is frequent before, please register take the telephone consultation as

Quoted price: 2720 Yuan/people



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· 上门收款:6 人以上我们提供上门收款服务,具体事宜请拨打我们的咨询服务电话。

华东五市水乡木渎双卧七日游  1180元/人 张家界天子山黄龙洞双飞四日游   2980元/人
南宁德天通灵银滩双飞五日游  2410元/人 昆明大理丽江泸双飞双卧八日游   3220元/人
动感之都、魅力港澳海滨园林  2680元/人 四川九寨沟峨眉乐山四飞七日游   5080元/人

香港澳门广州珠海双飞五日游  1680元/人

西安兵马俑秦陵地宫华清池四日   1580元/人
天宁岛、塞班岛休闲五晚六天  4480元/人 观日本樱花、富士山经典六日游  14100元/人
韩国釜山济州全景休闲五日游  4780元/人 澳大利亚悉尼凯恩斯大堡礁九日  14000元/人

欧洲北欧风情四国八天休闲游 14000元/人

英国伦敦苏格兰浪漫爱情八天游  14000元/人

莫斯科圣彼得堡体验精品七日  9100元/人

西班牙巴塞罗那葡萄牙十一天游  16300元/人

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        010-51650066 转 101、102、103、606、608、838
    网络推广合作 010-51650066 转 610 65238251
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专题推荐: 激情滑雪  魅力温泉  自驾出游  散客出游  浪漫海南  七彩云南

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